Saturday, 19 March 2016

Construction: Evidence Of Filming

This is an edit of all the bloopers in the filming across the two days. 

Below is a display of images in which we took whilst filming the scenes for our flashback to the original murders. Despite the fact that this scene does not appear first in the opening sequence, we discovered that it would enable us to include images taken from the 'original murders' in the investigation/research board, which is featured on Eleanor's bedroom wall in present time. 

We had previously filmed this scene on another occasion, however as a result of ineffective charging, the camera ran out of battery before we had finished filming the last few shots. This meant that we had to re-film each shot otherwise the lighting may have disrupted the continuity of the finished product. 

We began by taking establishing shots of the location, in order to set the scene and give the audience an insight into the potential danger that Taylor's character is about to face. 

The photograph above is what we used as the main focal point of the investigation board, to link it back to the original murder, which is shown through the use of various different camera shots, angles and movements. 

The two photos above were taken when exploring ideas on how to create the effect of blood splatters. 

Due to the time of day in which we ended up filming, it began to get dark reletively soon. We thought that this may become an issue during the post production process  as it could have effected the continuity. However, it became apparent that it would not pose a problem as the scene is edited to appear in black and white. 

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