Friday, 18 March 2016

Planning: Shot List

The reason for shot listing is that you need to have an idea of what is going to happen within your film and the order in which it happens. Shot listing allows you as a group to make choices about what is going to be done and how it is going to be filmed, so it is effective for the target audience. Using a shotlist is a great way to improve the planning of your film. Shotlists also help with organisation. Shotlists are a great way to avoid missing key shots for your film.

Date: Location: Shots: Cast Needed:
16/02/16   28 Silverwood Road  Close up Correy Fox and Cameron Budworth
Track out
Mid shot
Cut to door opening
Close up 
Point Of View 
Close up
Long/Mid shot
Low angle shot 
Tracking in
18/02/16    The Quarry Establishing shot Taylor Tillin and Ashley Paddick
Long shot
Mid shot
Point Of View 
Close up
Point Of View 
Low angle shot 
Close up

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