Thursday 17 March 2016

Planning: Casting

Correy Fox will be portraying the character James Evans who is one of the three who is planning to recreate the events of the 1976 mass murder. 
Correy is fit for this role as he is of the age group that we are targeting for, Correy also has average looks which will then signify to the audience that anyone can be a killer and you can't tell what people are really like. Correy is also aspiring to be an actor so he will then be able to have a range of facial expressions and a range of vocal tones to help aid him in his role. This also means that Correy would be confident in front of the camera.
James Evans is sarcastic, intelligent, sinister, reserved and a bit of a recluse. He is anti-social and tends to stay away from big crowds of people. Has been bullied prior to becoming a murderer.

Cameron Budworth will be portraying the character Ben Spencer who is one of the three teenagers who is planning to recreate the events of the 1976 mass murder.
Cameron is fit for this role as he is of the age group that we are targeting for, Cameron is also a stereotypical teenager and will fit the role of delinquent/lovable rogue well. Cameron is confident in front of the camera and will be able to act as Ben very well.
Ben Spencer is crude, sarcastic, silent, more openly evil, known for being a delinquent, in and out of the Juvenile Detention Centre and always in the police station. Ben is fed up with authority figures and has a general dislike to people in his home town.

Taylor Tillin will be portraying the character Emily Andrews who is one of the victims of the 1976 mass murder.
Taylor is fit for this role as she is of the age group that we are targeting for, Taylor is also studying Drama and will be able to convey emotions, facial expressions and vocal tones to help aid her in this role. This also means that Taylor will be confident infant of the camera as she does Drama.
Emily is a kind and caring young woman who has just started working part-time at a hair dressers and plans on going to college to get a degree in midwifery, but was then brutally murdered by Elijah Cunningham.

Ashley Paddick will be portraying the role of Elijah Cunningham who is the original murderer of the 1976 mass murder.
Ashley is fit for this role as he is of the age group that we are targeting for, he is confident in front of the camera and he studied drama at GCSE level which would aid him as he would have had to have used a range of facial expressions and vocal tones to convey emotion.
Elijah is a mentally unstable person who has been abused and bullied since he first went to school, as a result of being beaten at home and bullied constantly at school, Elijah developed a split personality which then subsequently took over control of Elijah. Elijah's split personality has a superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, he is a pathological liar, he has a lack of remorse, he also has an emotional shallowness, callousness and lack of empathy. His split also has an unwillingness to accept responsibility for his actions, gets bored easily, he is cunning and manipulative. His split also has an unrealistic long-term goals, he is impulsive and irresponsible.
Elijah himself, is the complete opposite to his split.

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