Friday, 18 March 2016

Planning: Changes To Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule for our horror movie. This ensures that we know exactly when we should have filmed certain shots for our film. It is important because it helps the group know when and where certain shots are meant to be filmed.

16th February 2016 - 
From 11:10 to 11:20 we will film shots 3, 5, 9, 11 and 12 giving us around 2 minutes per shot for the close ups and mid shots, which in the final cut, would be no longer than 5-10 seconds long, but the time will be used trying to see what angles work best and making sure that the actors are in the right place.
From 11:21 to 11:35 we will film our Point of View and Panning shots (shots 6 and 7), which would take slightly longer to film because we have to make sure that the camera is in the right place and that the angles we film would work. We will film various different angles for this so that we can choose what one works best in the final cut.
From 11:36 to 11:49 we will film our tracking in and out shots (shots 2 and 13), which would take this long because there are stairs to manoeuvre around and making sure that the lighting is satisfactory and that the actors would be able to be seen. The angle of the camera needs to be considered because the stairs are curved. 

18th February 2016 - 
At 12:00 AM on Friday 18th February 2016, the group and cast will meet at the quarry to film the establishing shot of a derelict building on sight at 12:05 AM. 
From 12:10 to 12:30 we will film shots 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 and 13, which are the running scenes which will take approximately 3 minutes per shot, which in the final cut, would take no longer than 10 seconds long per shot. Most of the time will be used determining which angle and where to place the camera is best for our film. 
From 12:31 to 12:35 we will film shot 6 which would take four minutes because we will consider possible angles for the close up. 
From 12:36 to 12:46 we will film shots 10 and 11 which are the panning shots of the area, and we will determine which angles work best and what place in the derelict building works best for the scene. 
From 12:47 to 12:57 we will film shots 14 and 15 which are the Point of View shots of the killer killing the victim, it will take 10 minutes to film because we need to get the angles in the correct place so that the fake blood wouldn't get on the camera while filming. 
And lastly, from 12:58 to 1:09 we will film shot 15 which is a low angle shot of the killers feet walking away from the scene of the crime. We decided to film it for this long, because it will help us decide what direction the killer walks away in and how he walks away from the scene. 

At 11:00 AM on Wednesday 16th February 2016, the group and cast will meet at 272 Bath Road to film the extreme close up (shot one) at 11:05 AM.

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