Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Planning: Writing A Treatment

The opening starts with a black screen displaying the titles "RAGGED CRIMSON PRODUCTIONS presents". It will then cut to an extreme close up of Eleanor repeatedly cupping a lump hammer. This will be followed by a long shot of her sitting on her bed, mischievously brining the hammer up to her face, whilst staring directly forward. The titles "a film by Vincent O'Grady" will appear on the lower left corner of the screen. Eleanor then proceeds to put the lump hammer down to her side, followed by a swift movement of her picking up a range of  previously cut up images. As this happens, the title "Leah Mitchell" will fade in and out from the top corner of the screen. Eleanor gets up from the bed and begins to walk forward, revealing a wall full of gory images and news articles from previous murders and crime scenes. "Taylor Tillin" will then appear on the side of the screen. You will then see a selection of images from different angles, forcefully being placed on the wall by Eleanor. The titles "George Denton" and "Daniel Angus" will appear at different times whilst the images are being placed on the wall. There will then be an extreme close up of Eleanor caressing photograph of a character called Abigale, a previous victim of a serial killer whom Eleanor has been researching. The camera will track this image as it is placed onto the wall. The text "production design by Jack Whittby" will fade in from the corner of the screen. As this is happening, non diegetic sounds of ghostly whispers will play. The camera will then begin to slowly track out, revealing the full arrangement of images. "Costume design by Margret Donaldson" will fade in from the bottom right, followed by "and Veronica Allen". There will then be a cut to a mid shot of Eleanor admiring her work before she turns to pick up the hammer and walks out of her bedroom door.

 As this fades to black, music will change as a chase scene beings, starting with an establishing shot of Abigale running away from a potential threat. This scene will be in black and white to represent that it is in past tense. As Abigale is approaching the remains of an old building, the titles "Produced by Frederick Trager and Johny Gideon" will appear. Abigale then trips over a pile of bricks as she attempts to run to safety. As this happens, the feet of the serial killer will come into view, showing that he is close behind. The titles "a story by Tony Lucas" and "screenplay by Sharon Donovan" will fade in one after another. The scene then continues with a long shot of Abigale running away from the killer, who appears to be getting closer. Moments later, there is a close up point of view shot of the killer, along with a non diegetic loud thud. The screen will then fade to black, followed  by the title of the film "Day of The Maniac".

Abigale then attempts to escape by running away, but falls to the ground as a result of tripping. She then struggles and fails to get up, before the killer becomes in reaching distance of her. There will then be a point of view shot of the killer hitting Abigale with his weapon; a lump hammer, causing blood to spay up onto his face.

A close up of the killer will show his amused expression as he stands covered in his victim's blood. The camera will then slowly pan down to reveal an extreme close up of the hammer dripping with blood. The screen will then fade to black.

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