Thursday, 17 March 2016

Planning: Changes To Casting

We decided to slightly change the plot for the film such as the time period in which it is set, and therefore made changes to the characters involved and the actors who portray them.

Stereotypically, women are seen as being the caring and nurturing gender, whilst men are seen as more prone to violent outbursts, therefore more likely to be portraying the role of a psychopath. For this reason, we decided to make the copy-cat killer a counter typical female, Eleanor. We have now casted Leah Mitchell for this role as she is currently studying A level drama, with previous experience from GCSE, meaning that she capable of accurately playing the character.

We also decided to remove the character Ben as we felt that he was irrelevant to the plot and made more sense to have just one main character as the recent serial killer.

Also, Ashley was unable to take part in our filming. Because of this, we casted George Denton to play the role of the original killer, Elijah, instead. George was fit for this role as he had similiar physical characteristics/attributes as to how we pictured Elijah. He is also not shy in front of the camera, which will be an advantage when filming.

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