Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Planning: Location Planning

Location Planning is a vital process in the pre-production stage of filmmaking and commercial photographyOnce scriptwriters, producers or directors have decided what general kind of scenery they require for the various parts of their work that is shot outside of the studio, the search for a suitable place or "location" outside the studio begins. Location scouts also look for generally spectacular or interesting locations beforehand, to have a database of locations in case of requests.
We will be filming in a bedroom, of an average house, which would empathise how a teenager lives, such as clothes over the floor etc. and how the character who lives there has a stable home life. The house would be that of the one of the three teenagers who turn murderous, so that the audience would get an insight of the murderers lair.
This will be filmed in Correy Fox's house as he is one of the actors in our film and is a typical boy of the targeted audience.  

Another location that will be used is a field near Ise Lodge at dusk to empathise how there would be no where to run and no one to see any danger. We will film here because not many people go there and if we film closer to night time then no one would be out as it is dark to interfere with the filming and this also empathises how no one would be around to help the person in danger.

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