Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Construction: Post Production

Here is the evidence of finding sounds that are suitable for our film opening 'Day of the Maniac', we started by looking on Freesound for sounds that are constantly being used in horror films. We then looked at more specific sounds, such as a 'thump' noise that emphasises the victim's death by blunt force trauma. 
The score changes when the chase scene is in process to highlight the need to get away from the imminent doom that follows the victim if she were to stop. This also shows the running tensions and adrenaline rush that she is feeling. 
The score at the start of the opening is more sinister as it is following the movements of Eleanor as she plans to recreate the murders. The use of piano and violin creates an ominous atmosphere which is what we are aiming to create. 

 After we had found the sounds, we then had to use them to create a score for our opening. We did this by building up layers of different sounds and over laying them to add effect.

The font we used for our opening is Nanum Brush Script, which has a stylistic similar to that commonly found in a horror movie opening. 

We had messed around with the placement of our titles and where they should appear and decided that they should appear on the darkest part of the screen as the font colour was white, and so that it would be more visible to the audience.

We mainly used the transition dip to black for the flash back to show a passing in time. The sharp cut to the flashback offers no slow introduction to the death of Abigail, but instead thrusts the audience into the action to shock and cause tension within them. 

We had made a scene speed up to highlight time passing and that there is no escaping danger. 

When we had finished, we had to render our completed opening and wait for it to finish compressing so that we may upload it. 

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