Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Research: The Importance Of Opening Titles

My Notes:


Time                 Title
00:04                 NEW LINE CINEMA PRESENTS
00:06                 AN Arnold Kopelson PRODUCTION
00:10                 A FILM BY David Fincher
00:14                 Brad Pitt
00:18                 Morgan Freeman
00:24                 SE7EN
00:30                 Gweyneth Paltrow
00:33                 Richard Roundtree
00:39                 R. Lee Ermey
00:42                 John C. McGinley
00:46                 Julie Armstrong     Mark Boone Junior
00:54                 John Cassini    Reginald C. Cathey    Peter Crombie
00:57                 Hawthorne James    Michael Massee   Leland Orser
01:04                 Richard Portnow      Richard Schiff      Parnala Tyson
01:11                 CASTING BY  Billy Hopkins    Susanne Smith    Kerry Borden
01:16                 MUSIC BY    Howard Shore
01:22                 COSTUMES DESIGNED BY    Michael Kaplan
01:25                 EDITED BY     Richard Francis-Bruce
01:27                 PRODUCTION DESIGNED BY     Arthur Max
01:35                 DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY    Darius Khondji
01:40                 CO-PRODUCERS      Stephan Brown      Nana Greenwald     Stanford Panitch
01:43                 CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS   Lynn Harris   Richard Saperstein
01:54                 EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS   Gianni Nunari  Dan Kolsrud   Anne Kopelson
01:59                 WRITTEN BY    Andrew Kevin Walker
02:04                 DIRECTED BY     David Fincher


The writing looks handwritten or childlike, it looks creepy and it is also bold for roles of the people such as the director or producer. The writing is either in the corners of the screen or off centre. The text also flashes and jolts around the screen, and the colour of the writing is white.


At the start of the opening titles, there is an old book which is shot from the side to show how thick the book is, and pages turn.
You can also interpret that the person whose face you do not see, is the villain in the film Se7en because the person is shown to go through books blanking out words and cutting things out of the book with a razor. This person is also quite creepy to add to this element.
The lighting is dark to add mystery to the person, and it also adds an element of danger.
He has dirty fingernails which makes you feel disgusted.
It also makes you think that the person has an obsession with medical testing/experiments or just torture in general.


The techno sounds mixed with drum sounds makes you feel tension and adds an element of suspense, you can also feel the sound on your chest.
There is also a point where it sounds like a woman is singing choir, which adds to the suspense and tension in the opening titles.
The sounds are non-diagetic.

Explanation of My Notes:


I have made a note of what titles appear in the opening, which is a total of twenty-six. It is also a prime example of roles that are in films and that they are important enough to make the opening.


I have made notes on the style of writing and where it appears on screen, the colour and


I described what I saw in the opening titles and how it may look to the audience.


I only listened to the sound and did not watch the clip and I made a note of how the sound made me feel and what type of sound it is.

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Thanks for your insight.