Monday, 2 November 2015

Codes And Conventions Of Horror Films


Codes are a system of signs which create meanings. There are two types of codes, Technical and Symbolic. An example of a symbolic code is the colour red as it is usually seen as a colour of danger. An example of a technical code is camera angles, if the camera is looking up at a character, that character usually is in a position of power. 

Symbolic Codes

Symbolic codes are usually shown through Mise-En-Scene, the actions of the characters show what the character is feeling during important scenes. Props are used as symbolic codes, such as when an object is shown early on in the film, it could be used later on as a weapon of some sort which shows it's significance. 

Technical Codes

Technical codes are the different ways the equipment is used to tell the story. Sound is used to create tension within a scene and the camera angles shows a different perspective of characters, scenery and objects. 


Conventions are ways of doing something which is accepted by the people either watching or making the film. In horror films there are many widely accepted conventions which are commonly used in the films, such as a death within the first five minuets into the film and an isolated area where there is no possibility of getting help if it is needed.

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