Thursday, 26 November 2015

Planning: Initial ideas To A Sixty Second Pitch

We were asked to come up with an entire plot for a whole horror film instead of only devising the opening 2 minutes which would have no real plot to work with. We did this by creating a mind map, on which we brain stormed all of our initial ideas for the plot of our film. This mind map was split into six different sub-genres that you would most likely find in a horror movie. For example, we thought of different ideas that we could use to create a plot for a movie based off true stories and urban legends by researching old news articles and old-wives tales. After brainstorming our ideas, we decided that every horror film should be based around some form of villain or threat/danger, whether it be a psychotic killer, possessive demon or a bloodsucking vampire. As a result of this, we decided to narrow down our ideas and began to think of something more specific. We wanted to create something different; something that other groups were less likely to have thought of. 


Once we had came up with the complete idea for out film, we then began to think about what our production company name and a working film title was going to be. We came up with the idea of 'Ragged Crimson Productions' as our production company name by thinking of adjectives/words that you would usually associate with horror. The fact that the main events in our film take place on the 29th February, we thought that 'Leap Year' would be an appropriate working title for our film. 
Our final 60 second pitch can be found on the embedded video bellow:


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