Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Planning: Mise-En-Scene: Location Planning

The first shot of our storyboard is a establishing shot of the school. We have chosen our school for this shot because we have an easy access to it and it is not far away. It will be suitable for the scene because it will clearly show for context that the following scene will take place in the building.

The second shot in our storyboard is a long shot of the food tech corridor. We have chosen this corridor because it will show the audience that Henry is in the school and is on his way to a class room.This shot will be suitable because it is in the school and from this angle it will be easy to understand that Henry is going to the class room. 

Our next location will take place in the food tech room. This is the room where the main plot of the scene is going to be set. The room will be used for different shots and angles.We have chosen this room because in our storyboard it is set in a food tech room, and because we have one in our school, it is easier for us to use it. It will match to our storyboard because the audience will be able to see the ovens in the background, which will prove that it is a tech room.

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