Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Planning: Mise-En-Scene: Casting

Henry (age 16) is a sixth-former. Henry loves playing football and he is quite tall. However he is also a bit rude. Henry will be played by George. He is a good choice for this role as he is confident, not shy in front of cameras, he is in the same age group and also he is quite tall as well.


Rob (age 12) is a student. Rob is shy and slightly awkward and he likes to play video games in his free time. Rob will be played by James. He is a good choice for this role because he is similar age to Rob and he is also a bit shy.

Planning: Mise-En-Scene: Location Planning

The first shot of our storyboard is a establishing shot of the school. We have chosen our school for this shot because we have an easy access to it and it is not far away. It will be suitable for the scene because it will clearly show for context that the following scene will take place in the building.

The second shot in our storyboard is a long shot of the food tech corridor. We have chosen this corridor because it will show the audience that Henry is in the school and is on his way to a class room.This shot will be suitable because it is in the school and from this angle it will be easy to understand that Henry is going to the class room. 

Our next location will take place in the food tech room. This is the room where the main plot of the scene is going to be set. The room will be used for different shots and angles.We have chosen this room because in our storyboard it is set in a food tech room, and because we have one in our school, it is easier for us to use it. It will match to our storyboard because the audience will be able to see the ovens in the background, which will prove that it is a tech room.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Preliminary Task: Creating A Storyboard From Initial Ideas

12 shot powerpoint from Colleen1999

Our group have created a 12 shot story board for two minuets worth of film. this film will consist of two characters (Henry, 16, and Rob, 12) exchanging a few lines of dialog and will be located in the food technology room. We've decided to film the clip in this location as it would make it more simple and realistic. The 12 shot challenge has helped us to carefully identify appropriate camera movements, angles and shots and when to use them within out film. this will make it much more straight forward when it comes to the actual process of filming our video clip.

I have learnt how to use camera angles and shots effectively and how to edit a storyboard to use these camera angles/shots/movements to fit in with a scene. I have also learnt about Mise-en-scene and how it means 'put into the scene'.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Preliminary Task: First Ideas

Henry, 16, opens the door to the food tech room, walks in and sits opposite Rob, 11, and then steals his carton of milk. The theft of the milk is discussed through two lines of dialogue. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Understanding And Applying Basic Terminology

This is a Close Up shot

This is an Extreme Close Up 

This is a High Angle 

This is a Low Angle 

This is a Mid shot

This is a P.O.V shot

This is an Establishing shot

This is a Long shot
This is a Two Shot

This is an Over the Shoulder Angle

                                                         This is a Panning Movement.

                                                              This is a Tilt Movement

                                                            This is an Arc Movement.

                                                       This is a Tracking In Movement.

                                                      This is a Tracking Out Movement. 

                                                       This is a Side Tracking Movement.

OCR Guide To Basic Camera Movements

OCR Guide To Basic Camera Angles

OCR Guide To Basic Camera Shots

OCR Guide To The 180 Degree Rule

Foundation Portfolio: What Is It?

50% of your grade will be earned through your Foundation Portfolio. This consists of a preliminary task and a main task, the details of which can be found below.

The Preliminary Task is designed to illustrate the processes of pre-production, production and post-production that will be required, albeit in more detail, when you come to undertake the Main Task. The Preliminary Task is not marked but MUST be completed and submitted alongside the Main Task to the examiner. If it is not completed, marks are deducted from your Main Task.

The Main Task is marked out of 100. These marks are broken down as follows:

20 marks - Research into similar media products and planning of your own media product.
60 marks - Construction of your own media product including filiming and editing.
20 marks - Evaluation of your own media product.

All of your work must be posted to your blog as this will be accessed by the examiner in May of 2016.

For each of the criteria above, marks are available in 4 levels with level 4 being the highest. 

The progress thermometer below shows the key words for each level of the mark scheme.

This is what you have to do:

Preliminary Exercise
Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Main Task
The titles and opening of a new teen horror film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source. Both preliminary and main tasks must be completed as a group. Maximum four members to a group.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Me As A Consumer Of The Media


I love to listen to music. It's one of my favourite past times. My favourite genre of music is Pop-Punk and Punk Rock, and I usually listen to it on Spotify, soundcloud or YouTube. I listen to it whenever I can, either in my bedroom, outside or anywhere around the house. I listen to music, mainly Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco and Green Day because the things they sing about, reflects on who I am as a person.

Green Day's 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams', is particularly meaningful to me as it reminds me of a point in my life where I felt alone. A lot of songs by these bands have hit close to home for me, such as Fall Out Boy's 'Thnks fr th mmrs' and The Pretty reckless 'Make me wanna die'. Another reason I like these types of music, is because they actually mean something to the band. This is highlighted by Blink-182's 'Adam's Song' which the band wrote after a fan wrote to them before he committed suicide.