Friday, 9 October 2015

Preliminary Task: Evaluation

Describe The set breif for the perliminary task. What was it you were asked to create? Use the correct media specific vocabulary and show that you understand the meaning of these terms.

The preliminary task involves the filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Explain everything you did leading up to the point when you started filming (pre-production). Discuss this process helped to prepare you for filming.

We started by brainstorming ideas for our preliminary task, we figured out everyone would be doing some sort of interview so we thought we would do something funny like an older student making a younger one feel awkward so that's where we came up with the idea of an older student stealing the younger one's carton of milk. Then we had to find people to fill these roles, so we decided to ask the schools drama teacher to recommend a student in year seven to us to fill the place of Rob, Mrs Childs kindly said we can use a student in her form called James Helps, we then had to decide on who would play Henry. After much deliberation, we decided to ask around in our sixth form and George Hales said he would do it for us. After deciding on our characters and who would play them, we moved on to planning where we would film the scenes and because the school was the best place to film this and it would make more sense, we chose to film the outside of the school as the establishing shot, the corridor as the build up and the food tech room where to action would take place. after deciding that that is where we wanted to film, we had to plan our storyboard and what camera angles and movements we would use.
This helped prepare us for filming because we knew what we had to do and where it would take place and who was able to act it out for us. It also meant that we wouldn't have to stress out over what he was going to say and what was gong to happen in the scenes.

Describe the filming process itself (production). How did this go?

Before we could film, we had to get James out of his lesson and film the scenes with him in first so that he could get back to his lesson. We filmed the dialogue first and George drinking the milk from the carton. it was easy doing this but then we realised that we had to film the rest, so essentially we were filming it all backwards. Which in hindsight, is not how we should've done it. Then after James went back to his lesson, we started the establishing shot and the entrance into the school, and then we were filming the crab shot of George walking down the corridor to the food tech class room.

Explain the editing stage for your preliminary task (post-production). This should include how you applied new skills you have learned.

While we were editing, we shortened the corridor scene with the razor and we added transitions to make it flow and show that time has moved forward since the last shot. We also added music to create tension and suspense in the scene.

Evaluate your finished preliminary task. How well does it meet the expectations of your set brief? which parts of it do you think are particularly strong? where are there weaknesses? what can you identify as being an area of development when it comes to producing your main task?

I think that the Preliminary task went better than I expected as I thought that it wouldn't work as well because we had a younger student with us and he didn't really say much at all. While we were editing, we realised that we should not have filmed it landscape and should have filmed it portrait instead and the sound went weird and we couldn't change it and the background noise was more prominent than the voice of the actors, however this gave it a comical twist which helped as our Preliminary task was meant to be humorous in the first place, although I would have preferred it if the sound had not messed up in the first place. A strong part in the finished product was the camera shots such as the extreme close-ups and the tracking shots as they were filmed in time and filmed in one shot. An area of development would be what way the scenes are filmed, such as not portrait and filmed landscape instead.

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